Malaysia Fashion Creativity Award

A joint collaboration program between School Living Skills and MFCA Creative Consultancy to develop a creative and sustainable fashion community in Malaysia, serving as agents of change for social justice and climate impact, promoting diversity and inclusivity, preserving heritage and culture, and fostering innovation aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

About our Masterclass

Aims to empower participants who are currently or interested in entering the fashion, textile, and clothing industries to address environmental and social challenges through skills training, mentoring, exhibitions, and networking.

Participants will be selected to take part in the immersive 6-day Masterclass training program to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the sustainable fashion industry.

Elevate Your skills: Masterclass Syllabus

  • Networking opportunities to connect with industry experts and like-minded individuals
  • Engaging in fashion discourse on wide variety of topics including sustainable practices, ethical considerations, and the environmental impact of the industry.
  • Understanding about the various aspects of retail management and fashion entrepreneurship which includes inventory management, merchandising and fashion business models

Unleashing Creativity: Post-Production Mentoring

At MFCA, our participants will received a personalized one-to-one mentoring, offering technical expertise, and sharing insights on sustainability practices and guiding them to bring their sustainable fashion creations to life

Fashion show and exhibition

After months of dedication, creativity, and sustainable fashion exploration, our local designers, emerging talents and ethical brands will take the center stage to showcase their work and to celebrate their contributions to the industry and their commitment to shaping a more sustainable future. Join us at the MFCA exhibition and be part of this transformative moment.