21 Years of Delivering Entrepreneurial & Vocational Skills to the communities.

Since January, 2020, all the Foundation’s training program and its related activities are now being promoted and carried out under the School Living Skills brand/logo.

School Living Skills is a brand created and owned by Yayasan Pendidikan & Vokasional Wanita Malaysia, (Foundation for Women’s Education & Vocational Training), a non-profit organization registered since 1999.

With the new brand and logo, the Foundation hope to embark on a new training approaches and strategies that would benefit more women and youth from all segments of the community

Our Stories

Yayasan Pendidikan dan Vokasional Wanita Malaysia (YPVWM) is a non-profit organization registered on the 18 of August, 1999 as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital, under the Companies Act, 1965. YPVWM was set up with the objectives among others to create training and educational opportunities for women and youth from the poor and other marginalized groups. Since its inception, YPVWM has supported and impacted more than 24000 women and youth from diverse social and educational backgrounds with vocational and entrepreneurial skills through its skills training programs.

Other earlier initiatives was the set-up of vocational skills classes for tailoring, beauty & spa, computer systems and repairs, cooking & baking, and hairdressing to provide new skills to women who were retrenched and unemployed as a result of the 1997-1999 economic crisis. The aim was to help these women to earn income through business or income generating activities or be employed in business sectors that require such skills. In addition to the vocational skills, other skills such as the use of ICT, basic management, financial literacy and English communication skills were also introduced to buttress their skills in entrepreneurship.

The training has helped to improve their employability skills and income earning opportunities. YPVWM first initiative on the skills development programmes was an outreach programmes created to provide digital literacy training to the rural communities. Working with government agencies and corporate bodies the program aimed to bridge the digital divide between the have(s) and have- not(s), and between the urban and the rural community. YPVWM’s outreach program was referred to as the “Program Jarak Jauh Orang Kampung (PJJOK)” or Long Distance Training Program for the Rural Communities.

YPVWM will continue with its efforts to improve the employability and productivity skills of disadvantaged women and youth through its vocational and entrepreneurial skills training programmes. To meet its mission and goals, YPVWM will continuously seek to work with program partners from government agencies, corporate and civil organizations for funding and supports.

Let’s Look at Our Past Project